Research Projects and Published Manuscripts
- Nazir SUR, Nazir T, Sultana M, Shamim R, Riaz H, Sultana Munir S, Kayani RR, Manzoor S, Islam A. The Potentially Recommended Pharmacotherapy for COVID-19. Altern Ther Health Med. 2021 Jun;27(S1):24-28. PMID: 33373324.
- Nazir T, Nazir SR, Shamim R., Sultana M, Riaz H, Zafarullah M, Taha N. Murine and humanized monoclonal antibodies and their Therapeutic applications. JPUMHS;2020;10:04,164-168. DOI: http://doi.org/10.46536/jpumhs/2020/10.02.280
- Azharul Islam, Saba Manzoor, Saeed Ur Rashid Nazir, Taha Nazir, Ruqaiya Rasheed Kayani, Humayun Riaz, Misbah Sultana, Nida Taha (2020). Biochemical Dynamics and Clinical Features of Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCoV). Alternative Therapies. 3470 Washington Drive Suite Eagan MN 55122 USA. April, 2020 – VOL. 26, NO. 8
- Nazir T, Taha N, Naveed S, Sadia H, Nazir SR, Rehman A, Farooq M. Efficacy and sensitivity of the Peg Interferon Alpha-3 million units against HCV-RNA Genotype 3A given to the confirmed of new and relapsed human patients. JPUMHS;2020;10(03)
- Taha Nazir, Saeed Ur Rashid Nazir, Misbah Sultana, Humayun Riaz, Muhammad Naeem Qaisar, Nida Taha, Muhammad Amer, Azharul Islam. Emerging Immunomodulation Technologies May Potential Improve the Clinical and Pharmaceutical Health Care. Int
- Taha Nazir. COVID-19: Reliable scientific knowledge amid uncertain and complex information. Adv Bio Sci. Vol. 5: 2020. p. 1-3. http://dx.doi.org/10.21065/AdvJBioScie.5.1
- Taha Nazir, Saeed Ur Rashid Nazir, Azharul Islam, Misbah Sultana, Humayun Riaz, Nida Taha, Potential threat of New Delhi Metallo-Beta-Lactamase-1 Enzyme, Multi Drug Resistant and Extensive Drug Resistant (XDR) to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MGD’s) in South East Asian Countries. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 61(2), March – April 2020; Article No. 15, Pages: 72-78
- Taha Nazir. COVID-19: Reliable scientific knowledge amid uncertain and complex information. Advanced Multiple Inc., ON Canada. Tel.: +1(647)526-0885, E.: taha@advancedmultiple.ca, W.: https://advancedmultiple.ca/
- Taha N. Standard laboratory testing and the regulatory compliance may improve the safety, quality and sustainability of food. Adv Food Nutr Sci. Vol. 4. 2019. p 8-12
- Taha Nazir, Saeed Ur Rashid Nazir, Azharul Islam, Misbah Sultana, Humayun Riaz, Muhammad Amer6 and Nida Taha. The Innovative Potential of Antibody Engineering Enhanced the Clinical Value of Immunotherapy. JPRI, 31(6): 1-13, 2019; Article no.JPRI.53603 (British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Past ISSN: 2231-2919, NLM ID: 101631759)
- Taha Nazir, Ruqaiya Rasheed kayani, Saeed Ur Rasheed Nazir, Syed Muzzammil Masoud Zaidi, Saba Manzoor, Nida Taha. Epidemiology, genomic evolution and molecular features of severe acute respiratory syndrome-related Coronavirus. Adv J Biomed Sci. 2019: Vol. 4. p. 3-7
- Taha Nazir. (2018). Emerging challenge of corruption in health care system. Can J App Sci. 2018. Vol. 8. p. 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.21065/19257430.8.1
- Taha Nazir and Nida Taha (2018). Pharmacy health system in Canada: An adoptable model for advanced clinical and pharmaceutical care. J App Pharm. Vol. 10; p 6-14
- Nazir T, Nida T, Hameed A, Islam A (2015) Drug Resistant Pattern of M. tuberculosis – An Emerging Threat for Public Health. Prensa Med Argent 2015, 101:6. http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/lpma.1000194; doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/lpma.1000194
- Taha Nazir, Nida Taha, Azharul Islam, Adeel Mahmood (2015), Potential threat of New Delhi Metallo-Beta-Lactamase-1 Enzyme, Multi Drug Resistant and Extensive Drug Resistant to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in South East Asian Countries. Pak J Pharm Sci (Accepted). Office of the Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan. E.: pakjps@hotmail.com; pjps@uok.edu.pk; W.: http://www.pjps.pk/
- Taha Nazir*, Azharul Islam, Tahir Aziz Mughal and Nida Taha (2015). Prudential Review of Pharmaceutical Health Resources in Indian Sub-Continent. J Health Med Informat 6: 202. Received July 22, 2015; Accepted August 20, 2015; Published August 27, 2015 doi:10.4172/2157-7420.1000202
- Nazir, Taha, Azharul Islam, Nida Taha, Saeed Urasheed Nazir, Muhammad Ather Chaudhary, and Muhammad Iqbal. “Review of Pharmacy Professionals and Drug Jurisprudence to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals in Punjab Province of Pakistan.” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education And Research 50, no. 1 (2016): 24-33.
- Ambreen Khan, Taha Nazir (2012). Frontal lobe epilepsy therapy of a child; Case report. J App Pharm; 1(04): p 1-5
- Sana Kanwal, Taha Nazir. Medicationerrors inpneumonia therapy of a patient admitted in a local hospital of Rawalpindi, Pakistan; A case report. Pharmacologyonline. 3: 6-9 (2011)/ ISSN 1827-8620
- Taha Nazir, Abdul Hameed, Effat Shabbir, Javed Anver Qureshi. Isoniazid resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from human patients. African Journal of Microbiology Research. Vol. 5(25); 2011, pp. 4291-4295
- Taha Nazir, Habib-Ur-Rehman, Owais Omar, Tahir Aziz Mughal (2011). Neutropenia induction by vinorelbine alone and in combination with doxorubicin and cisplatin in cancer patients. HealthMED -ISSN 1986-8103 – Volume 5 / Number 3/ 2011. p 486-490. Microsoft Word – Nazir et al pdf (academicjournals.org)
- Taha Nazir, Ahmad B, Khan A.H, Tahir A, Taha N, Hussain I, Aqeel T. Illogical course titles of pharm-d curriculum proposed by higher education commission of Pakistan. Can J App Sci 2011; 1(3):168-175
- Taha Nazir, Syed Muzzammil Masood Zaidi. Review of the basic components of clinical pharmaceutical care in Pakistan. T. Res. J. 01(01): 01-05 (2011)
- Taha Nazir, Syed Muzzamil Masood Zaidi, Ashfaq Ahmad and Tahir Aqeel (2011). Avoidable childhood death: A case of mismanagement and inappropriate medication use. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Vol. 5(3), pp. 292-297. doi. http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/AJPP11.033; https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJPP/article-abstract/36BF4C026936
- Asif Farooq Awan, Taha Nazir, Muhammad Ashraf, Owais Umer, Habib Ur Rehman. Study of phenylbutazone toxicity in avian species. Pak. J. Pharm. Vol. 16-20 (No. 1 & 2) 2003-2006 Pakistan Journal of Pharmacy – Description (pu.edu.pk)
- Mohammad Yousuf Khan, Maria Qureshi, Taha Nazir, Nisar-ur-Rahman, M Khan (2011). Effect of coating material on the aerodynamic particle size distribution (PSD) of Oxis Turbohaler® using mixing inlet with an Andersen Cascade Impactor (ACI). J App Pharm 2(3): 165-178
- Muhammad Shoaib Akhtar, Sidra-tul-Muntaha, Taha Nazir, Marium Salman and Attiya Aslam. (2009). Zinc, copper and iron levels of normal and low birth weight neonates and their respective mothers. J App Pharm 2(1):10-15
- Maryam khan, Taha Nazir, Abdul Qadir Khan, Abdur Rafay Khan. (2009). Stage IV acne a consequence of self-medication\ over consciousness: A case report. J App Pharm 2(1):31-33. https://consortiumpublisher.ca/